As an emerging writer, I don’t have a database, either mental or physical, of names that I can pull out of the air when I need one. This often leads me digging through a mental stash of male or female names based on the characteristics of my characters. I was writing earlier today and needed a last name for a character in my story. I thought, Hmmm. I wonder if there’s a last name generator out there? Well, lo and behold, there is! It’s not just for last names; this site will help you generate all sorts of names. This is definitely a huge “win” for us writers, especially emerging ones.
If you’re writing and you need help with names, be sure to check out the Name Generator. You can use it to create all sorts of names for your story or book. If you want to have a bit of fun, play around with the dating profile generator. However, do NOT do as I did and play with it in the silent section of your local college library. The librarians are not too fond of patrons laughing while students are trying to study. Just trust me on this. (That dating profile generator might be quite useful if one were to create a Bridget Jones type character.)
What’s the best tool you’ve found for writing, besides the pen or keyboard?